Definition of Social Action
of Social Action
The term
that now occupies us we can determine that it has its etymological origin in
the Latin as it demonstrates the fact that the two words that conform it come
from the aforementioned language. Thus, in the first place, action is the
result of the sum of the word actus , which can be translated as
"carried out", and of the suffix - tion , which is
equivalent to "action and effect".
In the
second place, the social word comes from the Latin concept socius that
it exercises as a synonym of "partner".
The concept
of social action belongs to the universe of sociology ,
which is the science that is dedicated to the study of social
groups. In its broadest meaning, a social action is one that affects
the behavior of others. The sociologist Max Weber contemplated
four types of social action: the traditional (linked to the customs),
the affective (related to emotions), the rational according to
values (guided by a moral norm) and the one destined to obtain a
rational purpose .
Beyond this
definition, it is usually called as a social action programs and aids that, in
general, are complementary to the welfare benefits provided by
the State , although there is also state social action.
In this
sense, the main objective of social action is to satisfy basic needs that,
for different reasons, a group of the population can not satisfy. In this
way, social action can be aimed at promoting education or
distributing food, for example.
Thus, for
example, in the case of Colombia there is an agency for social action called
the Department for Social Prosperity, whose clear mission is to achieve a
series of specific objectives that revolve around this principle. Aims to
achieve such as the development of social inclusion plans, the coordination and
creation of opportunities for the poor, the implementation of actions for the
protection of children and families in situations of vulnerability or neglect
In Spain,
for its part, it is worth highlighting the Social Action NGO Platform, which is
characterized by being state, non-profit, private and
non-denominational. With its implementation and its work, it aims to carry
out all types of plans and projects that promote and develop the set of rights
of citizens who belong to the most vulnerable groups. Specifically, this
body is formed by more than twenty NGOs.
On the other
hand, social action also appears at specific times, in the face of natural
catastrophes or emergency situations. A province suffering from drought
may be the recipient of social action in the rest of the country. The same
with a nation that is at war and can receive the assistance of its neighboring
countries to help the civilian population that is affected by the conflict.
In other
words, this type of action aims to transform the state of things to
achieve another state with a higher quality of life. Social action pursues
the common good and does not seek to satisfy personal interests.
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