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Definition of Descipline

Definition of Descipline

Originating from the Latin word discipline , the discipline is the method , the guide or know a person , especially regarding moral issues. The concept is also used to refer to a scientific or artistic branch .

For example: "To learn to play a musical instrument you must have discipline" , "Jaimito is a child with many problems of discipline" , "Poetry is a literary discipline that I can not master" .

The notion of discipline, therefore, may be linked to someone's behavior or attitude . It is said that discipline is good when the person respects the rules, laws or regulations within some scope: "Insulting a teacher is a serious lack of discipline" , "All players have to respect the discipline imposed by the coach " .

In general, discipline requires respecting a certain dress code, complying with a schedule and addressing hierarchical superiors in a particular way, among other obligations. This means that, in a company, the discipline may include wearing a uniform, entering the factory at 8 o'clock in the morning and not talking to the boss.

Starting from these cited examples we can, therefore, underline that there are different types of discipline such as the one that takes place in the school or school, the one that is developed in the military sphere, the one that has as frame the Church or even the one that is establishes as a fundamental part of a person's professional field.

And that without forgetting what is known as a personal discipline or self-discipline that is one that is composed of a series of guidelines and behaviors that someone carries out, in a constant and steadfast manner, for the benefit of stability and the achievement of objectives that has been marked.

That is why when talking about self-discipline many times it is identified with personal success because it is established that it is the way to achieve the dreams we have. In this sense, a perfect example is the set of athletes who aim to win their competitions and the tests they have to face. Thus, to achieve victory in them it is necessary that they have a discipline of training and feeding that enables them physically and mentally.

In this way, it is established that this type of discipline is based on a series of principles or basic rules such as willpower, persistence, hard work, acceptance and diligence. All these elements that become the key to establish our discipline and, therefore, to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves.

Discipline, on the other hand, can be a professional or study field . Anthropology, sculpture, kinesiology and football are very different issues that, nevertheless, can be considered as disciplines according to the context. Thus it is possible to find expressions such as "John Koggrer is an expert in anthropology, sociology and other disciplines of the social sciences" or "Sculpture is my favorite artistic discipline" .

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